Thursday, March 19, 2009

WOW: The Bushwhackers

Posted on 12:30 PM by Steve

After a week on hiatus, the Wrestler of the Week returns triumphantly (despite comments made by a certain bad ass marine!). In a weak attempt to make up for the missed wrestler last week, there are actually two men named as the WOWs. These men joined the WWF(e) in 1989 and quickly became one of the most popular teams in the WWF. Although they never won any championships in the WWF, their antics, including their popular walk, will keep them in our memories forever. I give you...The Bushwhackers!

Although they spent half of their careers under the moniker The Sheepherders and were one of the most violent teams in the early 1980s, we're not focusing on that. No. We won't let their past indiscretions tarnish the timeless images of our friends, Luke and Butch, chowing down on some sardines, licking each others faces and walking with that unforgettable Bushwhacker strut. In case you need a little reminder, check it out:

Despite being very popular with the fans, the Bushwhackers were never given a real shot at the tag team titles. They feuded with several teams but always came up on the short end of the stick whenever they were in the ring with a top tier team like the Natural Disasters, The Nasty Boys or Demolition. But that didn't stop the Bushwhackers from remaining very popular and landing a sweet role on the ABC hit sitcom Family Matters! That's right, our boys Luke and Butch ended up wrestling Steve Urkel and Carl Winslow (as the Psycho Twins)!

Other than that "memorable" appearance, the most memorable moment in the Bushwhackers career in the WWF was when Luke made his mark in the 1991 Royal Rumble, lasting a miraculous 4 seconds. Yes...4 seconds:

That about does it for The Bushwhackers, I'll see you next week for yet another unforgettable superstar.

3 Response to "WOW: The Bushwhackers"

Anonymous Says....

u disapointed me on this 1 needed 2 b a little longer

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