Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2009 MLB Team Preview- The Milwaukee Brewers

Posted on 7:54 PM by Steve

Last year a good team was pushed into the playoffs by a huge second half from CC Sabathia. This year Sabathia is gone, and the Crew face a big challenge in replacing his production. Find out what Greg and a small army of Brewers writers think the chances of accomplishing this are.

The Milwaukee Brewers

Last Season’s Result: 90-72, 2nd place in the NL Central. Made the playoffs as the NL Wildcard.

Major Offseason Changes

• Added SP Braden Looper (Signed from St. Louis)
• Added RP Trevor Hoffman (Signed from San Diego)
• Added RP Jorge Julio (Signed from Atlanta)
• Added OF Trot Nixon (Signed from New York Mets)
• Lost SP CC Sabathia (Signed with Yankees)
• Lost 3B Russell Branyan (Signed with Seattle)
• Lost OF Gabe Kapler (Signed with Tampa)
• Lost RP Guillermo Mota (Signed with LA Dodgers)
• Lost RP Brian Shouse (Signed with Tampa)
• Lost SP Ben Sheets (Unsigned free agent)
• Lost 2B Ray Durham (Unsigned free agent)
• Lost RP Salomon Torres (Retired)

Letter Grades

Offseason Moves: D It may not be the Brewers fault, but this wasn’t a good offseason. They lost their top two starting pitchers and their closer. They did an admirable job in trying to fill these holes, but you can’t replace guys like Sheets and Sabathia with equal talent. Hey will get more dependability from Looper then they did Sheets, but their talent is night and day.

Rotation Grade: C+ Looper is a nice addition, and Yovani Gallardo is a very nice young pitcher who if healthy is a top of the rotation type talent. The rest of the staff are steady veterans ranging from slightly above average to slightly below average.

Bullpen Grade: C The Brewers brought in Trevor Hoffman to replace retiring Salomon Torres, and added a few unspectacular pieces to fill out the middle innings, but without Brian Shouse this is a lesser group than the 2008 version which was 4th in the NL in ERA.

Lineup Grade: C+ A nice young group that should continue to grow, highlighted by Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder. This is a flawed group, evidenced by Braun leading the team with a .285 batting average.

Player most closely linked to team’s 2009 hopes: Trevor Hoffman. The future hall of fame closer needs to have another all-star season to help this group become one of the team’s strengths. The lineup will score in bunches, and the starters will give you innings, but unless the ‘pen holds it together those efforts won’t matter.

Biggest Breakout Star Potential: Yovani Gallardo. After a great rookie season, Yovani came out of the gate in 2008 poised to dominate. A freak knee injury derailed last season’s break-out effort, now that he is healthy 2009 is Yovani’s year.

Best Case Scenario: Another wild card appearance. Without CC Sabathia the buzz is off these Brewers, but if the young hitters continue to get better, the Brewers will have a pair of NL MVP contenders and a shot at the postseason.

Worst Case Scenario: No area of this team is without its flaws, and if one group finds itself in a slump for any length of time, then forget about making the playoffs.

Prediction for 2009: 78-84. This year may be a long one for Brewers fans, unless the Brewers can add someone like Sabathia whose noble spirit embiggens even the smallest Brewer. OK, so I thinks it’s going to be an up and down season, that ends slightly down.

Local Thoughts
We had our widest response to inquiries from Brewers fans, so thanks to all who helped us out for this one. Let’s see what they’re thinking up in the cold, cheesy winter wonderland of Wisconsin.

By: Michael Hunt of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Letter Grade for Offseason Moves: B. They couldn't possibly replace Sabathia and Sheets, but they filled some needs with a closer (Trevor Hoffman), another starter (Braden Looper) and a veteran left-handed bat (Trot Nixon).

Most Essential: Ryan Braun. He has to have another MVP-type year for the Brewers to compete.

Breakout Potential: Yovani Gallardo. At least he needs to near the top of the rotation.

Prediction for 2009: 85-77. Second in Central.

By: Jim Breen of Bernies Crew

Letter Grade for Offseason Moves: B+. The Brewers could not help losing CC Sabathia or Ben Sheets this offseason. They did, however, upgrade the rotation with Braden Looper and build a solid bullpen with a bunch of cheap, high-upside arms and Trevor Hoffman.

Doug Melvin did what he could with the budget constraints. He also made a couple of nice, under-the-radar moves by picking up pitchers Chase Wright and Nick Green.

Most Essential: I believe it is Dave Bush. Yovani Gallardo and Manny Parra should be above-average (innings may be an issue), and Braden Looper will be solid.

It all comes down to Bush. Will we see the Bush that posted a 3.91 ERA in the second half, or the Dave Bush that compiled a 6.75 and 5.52 ERA in April and May, respectively?

The answer to that question will determine the effectiveness of the rotation as a whole.

Breakout Potential: Yovani Gallardo. After a couple of seasons battling injury (non-arm related), the right-hander is poised to head the Brewers rotation in 2009. His teammates are already saying he will win a Cy Young in the next few years. He is that good. Baseball fans around the nation will see that this season.

Prediction for 2009: 86-76- 2nd place in the NL Central

By: Kyle Lobner from Brew Crew Ball

Letter Grade for Offseason Moves: I'll give them a B. Retaining CC Sabathia was likely too much to ask for in one of baseball's smallest markets, but the Brewers took most of the necessary steps to maintain a competitive team for 2009, including adding some starting pitching depth.

Most Essential: Yovani Gallardo. The Brewers will score plenty of runs, but may or may not have the pitching to make them count. Gallardo is being counted on to play a large role this season despite only throwing 24 innings in 2008. If he can carry the load, this team could contend for a World Series. If he is ineffective or misses any stretch of time, this team could finish well out of the race.

Breakout Potential: Any of the trio of Bill Hall, Corey Hart and Rickie Weeks could really use a nice bounce back season. Hall has finally settled into one defensive position (third base) and had LASIK surgery during the offseason to improve his vision. Hart had a terrible September, but claims fatigue was a factor (he played in 157 games), and has changed his offseason routine to better prepare. Weeks shows flashes of potential but, on the whole, he has yet to live up to the hype that made him the #2 overall pick in the 2009 draft. He's shown up on lists of potential breakout players three straight seasons.

Prediction for 2009: What place will they finish? With the addition of Braden Looper and a full healthy season from Yovani Gallardo, I think it's reasonable to expect the Brewers to only take a small step back from 2008, and finish with 86-88 wins. The Cubs probably project for more, at least on paper, leaving the Brewers in second place, but the Wild Card is certainly in play.

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