Thursday, March 5, 2009

The 'Not Sports Report'; Shaken not Stirred

Posted on 8:55 PM by Steve

Did you listen to the 'Not Sports Report' Podcast and think, "Geez, I wish there was more?" Are you the type, like our never forgotten pal, Pat Morita, who needs visual stimulation in order to enhance any great situation? Well then you, my friend, are in luck. Let me start by assuring you that your initial assessment was correct, the inaugural 'Not Sports Report' Podcast was hilarious. But maybe, just maybe, some of the jokes went over your head. Perhaps you were a little tired, perhaps you just couldn't make it past the 120 db intro provided by Paul. No matter the circumstance, we have you covered. The A.V. Department (they get all the chicks) at have provided us with visual aides, along with a brief play by play, to enhance your Podcasting experience. Continue on for the ride of your life!

Be sure to listen along, as you check out these entertainment enhancers.
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The PodCast quickly got rolling, as Greg discussed a deleted scene from Shawshank Redemption that shows that Andy had actually dug two holes in his cell; his escape tunnel and a glory hole to Red's cell. After taking a look at this unreleased trailer, the deleted scene that is discussed in the Podcast doesn't come as such a surprise.

The conversation then turns to Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson being typecast. Morgan Freeman as the intelligent, mentor type.

After a brief discussion about the curious relationships between Rocky and Apollo & Paul Walker and Tyrese, there is a quick discussion about how bad The Thin Red Line and The Ginger Dead Man really are and then the conversation turns to the Best-Worst Movies. These movies include, 80s cult hit, Rad, with its "Bicycle Boogie" scene, set to Send Me An Angel:

And of course Greg's pick, Switchblade Sisters, which features this dynamic fight scene, along with complimentary great acting:

We then get to listen to Duck try to come up with his favorite Bad-Good movie and blow the lid off of a HUGE conspiracy...ET may in fact be Jesus. The discussion turns to great 80s fight scenes (Duck brings up The Matrix (yeah, I don't know either)) but Greg saves the day by talking about Roddy Piper's fantastic movie, They Live, which may have one of the greatest movies lines of all time in it:

As if we were ever able to stay on point, the Podcast rumbles on through some more intriguing conversation including Hank Baskett/Kendra talk, more Rocky and The Princess Bride.

All in all, the inaugural 'Not Sports Report' Podcast was a lesson in how to produce a show if your target audience has ADD. Hopefully the A.V. additions helped you realize how hysterical this Podcast really was and we'll catch you next week! Now we leave you with one last word from Morgan Freeman:

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