Sunday, March 29, 2009

Not Sports Report PodCast-Wrestlemania

Posted on 8:24 PM by Steve

The Not Sports Report Podcast for 3/30/09 is available! With one week until Wrestlemania 25, we use this edition to take a trip down memory lane and discuss our favorite Wrestlemania moments. We also briefly take a glimpse at Wrestlemania 25, which will be held on Sunday April 5, 2009. Click below to listen to the Podcast and be sure to read further into this article to check out some of the memorable moments that we have clipped to the page, including several midget wrestlers getting squashed, Bob Uecker getting strangled and Bart Gunn getting his F*#@ing head knocked off by ButterBean!

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Let's start with one of the funnier clips in Wrestlemania history, coming from IV, Andre gives it to Mr. Baseball:

From there we'll take you to the first midget wrestler squashing in Wrestlemania history, from III, King Kong bundy goes ape sh!t and destroys Little Beaver (Yes, his name is Little Beaver!). Anyway, the clip shows the entire match, which was Bundy and two midgets versus HillBilly Jim and two midgets. If you want to skip to the good stuff, forward to 7:00. Bob Uecker has a dynamite line about Little Beaver and then the squashing begins!

Alright, now to top that off we're going to need to see Bart Gunn get destroyed by ButterBean from Wrestlemania 15. In the words of Smokey from Friday, "You Got Knocked the F*** Out!

Now you can't have a Wrestlemania discussion without taking a brief break from the funny stuff and acknowledging The Undertaker's impressive undefeated streak. So check out a tribute video:

Not bad at all, however, let's get back to the funny stuff. What's better than another midget wrestler getting pummeled? I give you Mr. Kennedy manhandling Hornswoggle at Wrestlemania 23. This clip shows a bunch of Kennedy highlights from his MITB match, but if you're in a hurry, forward to 1:30 of the video for the good stuff.

Our trip down memory lane will have to end at this point, so check out this last clip, a brief compilation of some of the most memorable moments in Wrestlemania history that doesn't include Bart Gunn or midgets. Enjoy.

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