Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who is Philly's greatest athlete from the past 20 Years?

Posted on 1:11 PM by Steve

That's right the greatest we've ever seen this generation is an undersized kid from Virginia who played harder than anyone we've ever seen. Allen Iverson is hands down the greatest Philly athlete of the past 20 years.

B-Dawk had a great career, but he's hardly the player Iverson was, Dawk always had help in his secondary, never playing without another Pro Bowl caliber player either in front of or next to him in the secondary.

Donovan McNabb came in second in our tournament, but Donovan will never be considered among the 50 greatest to ever play pro football, I'm not sure he's even close. Donovan just started to spark debate about whether he should be considered for the hall of fame. There is no doubt that Iverson will be enshrined the first year he is eligible.

So come on in, and relish in AI's greatness. I have a handful of videos to enjoy, so sit back, relax, and watch the greatest player we've had in a generation.

Let's start with his infamous practice press conference. I'd like to note that he's completely right. AI played his ass off every night, yet after one missed practice he has to answer a line of silly questions about his dedication. As fans we frequently make the argument that nobody played harder, yet the notion that Iverson had questionable commitment still lingers. Anyway, enjoy...

I found an awesome 5 minute highlight reel here, but be careful the video is set to a song with questionable lyrics.

I have a two more, Iverson's top ten:

And finally, Iverson's farewell:

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