Monday, March 16, 2009

Maybe We Don't Need a 5th Starter, Maybe We Need an ACE

Posted on 2:56 PM by Steve

Well crap, I don't want to seem like Chicken Little, but Cole Hamels is being examined for elbow pain. If he needs surgery, then the sky very well may fall.

Cole returned to Philly today to have the arm looked at, details are available here.

I guess it's a little reassuring that both Happ and Park are doing well this spring if Hamels is to miss any regular season time. Let's not kid ourselves, if Hamels hits the 60-day DL with this problem, or any other later on, this team's chances of repeating will be greatly reduced.

I would like to be the first to request Jamie Moyer be our opening day starter in Cole's place should he be unavailable. The thought of triple-A call-up Brett Myers on the mound on national tv to start the season just burns me up.

To be at least the slightest bit optimistic in this piece, Cole has been very cautious over the last few seasons after he struggled with injuries early in his career. Cole understands that the season is a marathon, and won't risk his long-term health just for the pomp and circumstance of opening day.

Either way, let's cross our fingers and light a candle.


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