Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Not Sports Report - 3/19/09

Posted on 5:52 PM by Steve

This week's Not Sports Report starts off with a WWE-Style introduction. After the roaring crowd calms down a bit, we dig into the topics of the day, including movies that make men choke up (not me, I don't cry), Dr. Manhattan's man meat, which actor would be considered the actor of our generation, and a banjo contest. Yes, you read that right, me and Paul have a good ole fashioned banjo duel.

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The podcast starts off with Greg reminiscing about Wrestlemania 7 and how it choked him up a bit. As you can tell from the video below, Macho Man and Miss Elisabeth were soul mates...that is until Lex Luger killed her by hitting her with a running forearm to the head. Or maybe it was the drugs, I'm not sure.

Anyways, this got us talking about scenes in movies that choke us up a bit. I brought up the scene in Remember the Titans right after Bertier gets paralyzed. Paul admitted Armageddon gets him every time. I'm not sure one is any less manly than the other...but come on...Armageddon!!

For some reason me and Paul had a banjo duel. One day our banjo playing will bring peace to the world. Until then, I give you Stewart Gilligan Griffin and the Cowtones.

We here at the Not Sports Report are known to talk about male full frontal nudity in movies. Well, the new comic book flick Watchmen is apparently full of big blue man meat. We don't have movie footage, but there is some leaked video footage of the new Watchmen video game I managed to get my hands on. Looks...interesting.

We end the podcast with a discussion of which actor we think would be considered the actor of our generation. It's either Tom Hanks or Johnny Depp in our opinions, though we are 2-1 in favor of Hanks. Both are really good. No way Johnny Depp could pull off this role though...

We will see you next Thursday for another Not Sports Report.


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