Monday, February 23, 2009

Podcast Notes Week 2

Posted on 11:03 PM by Steve

Here are the notes for the 2-23-09 podcast.

:27- This was about out fifth attempt at starting the show, we were all kind of stiff and awkward. I threw this in for a laugh, its from the Simpsons episode where Bart and Milhouse are going through Comic Book Guy’s secret stash, and they discover a videotape of Mr. Rogers drunk. You can check it out here.

1:00- I guess Steve and Paul thought I was actually going to try and talk tennis in the opening minute, so they trample all over a punch line. You’d think they’d realize I’d sooner make a transgender joke than I would talk about tennis. From here on out rather than make noises as I say the puchlines, they mainly just steal my punchlines themselves, Paul especially.

2:11- Technically they’re tied for sixth, or at least they were before the disaster in New Jersey Monday night.

3:43- We got the attendance numbers from ESPN, available here

5:11- I’m covering for Paul as he looks up numbers, yet Steve still craps on my crappy story.

7:26- Steve will not allow you to exaggerate. Biron was not at center ice. The Corrector has spoken!!

8:40- Paul’s explanation for the quote, “I don’t care about the Sixers!” is that he means after the week they had he doesn’t want to spend a ton of time on the Sixers.

8:53- Prior to our recording session a couple next-door was having a knock-down, drag-out fight. The woman screeched for about 15 minutes straight and screamed “I will never forgive you” over and over. It was something.

9:48- Joke about A-Rod getting PEDs from his cousin, and me, his cousin, giving Paul a beer to make him funnier.

12:02- Carlos did a series of car ads on the radio in 2008. The were barely understandable, an interesting choice to get a spokesman who struggles so obviously with the English language. They would have been better if he’d have just spoke in Spanish, since at least Spanish-speakers could have then understood him.

12:07- Bernie Parent is even worse in his radio ads for Dr. Pistone, and his hair restoration service. At least Carlos wasn’t raised speaking English, Bernie has no excuse.

13:04- That’s right I said “Effing Ridiculous” I also made it a point to say in a meeting that we should be certainly continue to bust stones, but be careful to not undermine each other’s point or credibility. Telling Paul his argument is ridiculous somehow doesn’t fall into that.

14:53- When we recorded, we were still having problems with forwarding a naked url. Apparently that means if you typed in the address without the www in front of it the site wouldn’t come up, the error has since been fixed.

15:48- The four NL teams to wins over 90 games the past four years are:
· 2008: The Cubs (97 wins) and Phillies (92)
· 2007: none
· 2006: The Mets (97)
· 2005: St. Louis (100)

16:49- For Koko info check out the wrestler of the week page here.

16:58- Did he say AR-GA-MET? Okey-dokey. Ar-ga-met it is.

17:25- This joke sucks, and I am barely audible because I’m leaning over my desk. Should’ve left well enough alone and grabbed a drink while Paul did his bit. My bad.

19:34- Steve is super annoyed that I am trying to interject, listen to his anger. Thankfully this joke does work and all is forgiven. They both try and steal the punchline by the way.

19:53- We all fight for the joke about Wilson’s favorite part of Wild Things. It was pretty obvious.

21:36- In one of the cut opening segments, we joked that Paul would make a tradition of using the word ‘Douche’ and if a listener emailed us with the time stamp of when he said it, we’d mail them out an autographed box of Summer’s Eve. Feel free to enter the contest.

22:12- Paul is a ‘Van Bueron boy’ he has a secret hand signal and everything. The Corrector refuses to allow this to happen. Biron it is, no U's in there despite what Paul says.

24:56- “Neil Little is a career minor-leaguer at best.” Or he is in fact a career minor leaguer. Crash Davis is the catcher from Bull Durham who had the minor league record for most home runs, but never got any real time in the majors.

25:19- Steve loves Bouwmeester, with good reason, but Ed Moran of the Daily News thinks it’s a mistake to pursue the young defenseman. You can read Moran’s article here.

25:56- The 2008-09 NHL salary cap is $56.7 million.

27:37- Paul is gravely offended by a joke about a guy who died before he starting watching hockey. Steve started to laugh, and even joined in before turning his back on me.

29:35- The first 8 takes were a disaster, the topics left on the cutting room floor included speed pass, sex toys, KY jelly, Friendly’s restaurant’s ‘happy ending’ dessert, trying to offend my Grandmom on Easter, and a few accidental swears.

30:35- What a terrible impression, that sounded more like Dr. Nick than Bernie Parent.

32:23- Paul not only steals the punchline, but he hijacks the impression as well.

33:16- Reference to Million Dollar Baby, which starred ‘The Next Karate Kid’ Hillary Swank

34:32- Marcus Welby MD. Marcus Welby LP is about his night job checking receipts at the door at Best Buy.

35:16- It was Conan and his Walker: Texas Ranger lever, check it out here.

35:40- Another stolen punchline!

38:15- The guys still refuse to embrace my abuse of superlatives.

39:17- Paul says something here, but forgot to turn his mic back on.

That’s all for week 2. Enjow the show everybody!


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